The BindTuning Accessibility Tool can be uninstalled following two distinct methods:

  • Manual Uninstallation;
  • Automatic Uninstallation.

Manual Uninstallation

1. Deactivate and delete the tool on SharePoint:

  1. On your root site open the Settings menu and click on Site Settings;

  2. Under Web Design Galleries, click on Solutions;

  3. Select BTAccessibilityTool_x.x.x.x.wsp file, and click on Deactivate;

  4. Select BTAccessibilityTool_x.x.x.x.wsp file again, and click on Delete.

2. Finishing off:

Only a few more steps to completly remove and uninstall your tool.

  1. Open your site with SharePoint designer and open All Files;
  2. Open your Style Library.
  3. Delete the folder BTAccessibilityTool.

Success: You have now successfully removed and uninstalled your tool.

Automatic Uninstallation

Inside the tool package, you'll find the installer_BTAccessibilityTool.ps1 PowerShell script, which will automatically remove and uninstall the solution in the required site collection.

  1. Right-click on the file and select the option Run with PowerShell;

  2. If prompted, download the required Cmdlets, in order to proceed with the installation;


  3. Select the Classic option and, hit Enter;


  4. Select the option Uninstall Accessibility Tool and hit Enter;


  5. Input the corresponding site collection where the product is to be installed and hit Enter;


  6. If prompted, input your Office 365 credentials;

  7. The process will run automatically.

The tool has been uninstalled! ✅